
Transitions which are coherent, continuous and build progression are key to developing learning which supports, challenges, and motivates learners.

This section explores Transitions in relation to the following three, How are we doing? self-evaluation statements:

  • We have a continuous and coherent Broad General Education curriculum plan, developed in partnership with all key stakeholders and across sectors.
  • At all points of transition, we ensure that we communicate with colleagues and develop initiatives to share and build progressively on prior language learning and skills.
  • As our learners transition from primary into secondary Broad General Education, we engage with learner voice to ensure that we are providing fresh, challenging, and inspiring learning experiences for young people, which build on and extend their prior learning and skills.

Click on the links below to read more about the key themes of Transitions and then use the How are we doing? statements to reflect on your current practice and explore your next steps.  Further reading and resources are also provided at the bottom of this page.

Finally, watch the video below to learn how practitioners have engaged with this TILE.

Primary Stage and Level Transitions

Key points of transition in the primary (e.g. between stages or curriculum levels) involve shared and planning for next steps. Agreed planning and curriculum (e.g. South-East L2 Progression Planners) provide a coherent planning framework which practitioners can use for guidance and support. Continuity is of critical importance in language learning so ensuring that there are no significant gaps in L2 learning between one stage and another is key.

Continuity is facilitated when primary schools work as a whole-school community to identify, review and agree key learning at Early, First and Second Levels. Professional dialogue and planning around the vision, experiences and outcomes from P1 to P7, encourages a whole school shared approach where everyone has a key role in contributing to the language learning experiences of all learners.

Professional dialogue is also key at points of transition and again, ensures continuity and progression across stages. Examples of primary practitioners working in partnership with colleagues to share learning as part of transition handovers include:

  • Progression planners with notes and traffic lighting to indicate which key aspects of learning has been introduced in previous stages
  • Learning materials (e.g. learners’ jotters or language folders) moving with learners from one stage to the next to provide continuity in their written work, word lists
  • Tracking information shared – including L2/L3
  • Learner presentation of previous learning to new stage teacher e.g. presenting self-assessment trackers or working in groups to reflect on and then demonstrate previous learning

Where learners have started to develop key language skills (e.g. writing, dictionary skills, reading etc.) it is crucial that these continue as they move stages. Continuity and progression in skills development are both key if children are to have a meaningful language learning experience, working towards the best possible outcomes.

Primary Secondary Transitions

Primary to secondary transitions are a critical in the BGE planning where key aspects of planning include:

  • A model developed in partnership with cluster colleagues to ensure continuity, progression and coherence in planning
  • Learning which builds on prior language learning and provides continuity in the development of learners’ skills
  • Fresh, engaging, and inspiring learning contexts which provide young people with a new learning experience, appropriate to their age and stage
  • Learning which provides adequate breadth, depth and challenge, from primary into secondary
  • Inclusive planning which responds to learners’ needs e.g. EAL Learner Voice group identifying what would support them through transition
  • Transition models which are informed and evaluated by learner voice e.g. engaging with S1 learners about course content, ensuring that it is relevant and progressive
  • Learner participation embedded into transition activities e.g. secondary learners sending presentations about school to primary learners
  • Opportunities for children and young people to share and celebrate their language skills and prior learning e.g. present previous learning to next stage teacher
  • Planning which is undertaken through partnership working across cluster groups of schools

It is key that S1 language learning experiences build on previous learning and provide new, engaging experiences and outcomes for young people. This underlines the importance of avoiding “going back to the beginning” at the start of each new stage of learning (particularly at the P7 to S1 transition point). Building on prior learning through new learning contexts and experiences contributes to challenge and depth of learning and to motivating and engaging learners.

Cluster planning and transitions

By working collaboratively, cluster primary schools and their associate secondary school can agree progressive planning models which seek to deliver an equitable, consistent, and coherent learning experience for children and young people.

Strategies and activities to support coherence and consistency of language experience across cluster groups include:

  • Regular cluster planning meetings with key contacts/leads from each cluster school
  • Shared L2 progression frameworks across cluster groups with agreed outcomes
  • Shared L3 model agreed with cluster
  • Moderation or sharing of learning across cluster groups e.g. short texts, presentations, letters shared with cluster schools
  • “Getting to know you” initiatives as part of cluster transition planning e.g. primary school letter/postcard writing to secondary teachers or learners in other schools
  • Passing on of learning examples and evidence from primary to secondary e.g. learner jotters from P7 into secondary across all cluster schools
  • Primary-secondary language passports with key information completed about learners e.g. name, age, favourite colours, hobbies, interests etc.
  • Secondary practitioner school visits to primary and/or primary visits to secondary
  • Secondary practitioner engagement with upper primary practitioners to gather information on learners and learning experiences
  • Cluster transition events e.g. language and culture celebration events including secondary and primary learners

How are we doing?

  • We have a continuous and coherent Broad General Education curriculum plan, developed in partnership with all key stakeholders and across sectors.
  • At all points of transition, we ensure that we communicate with colleagues and develop initiatives to share and build progressively on prior language learning and skills.
  • As our learners transition from primary into secondary Broad General Education, we engage with learner voice to ensure that we are providing fresh, challenging, and inspiring learning experiences for young people, which build on and extend their prior learning and skills.

Record your practice

Now you have researched the methodology and best practice in Transitions it's time to record how you are doing. Download the interactive/printable PDF file which you can fill in digitally (or manually if you prefer) for your records and CPD.

Education Scotland, A 1+2 approach to modern languages

Available at:

Education Scotland (2017) 1+2 Languages: FAQs and Answers

Available at:

Education Scotland (2017) A 1+2 approach to language learning from P1 onwards

Available at:

Education Scotland (2017) Education Scotland Benchmarks Modern Languages

Available at:

Education Scotland, Curriculum for Excellence Modern Languages Experiences and Outcomes

Available at:

Education Scotland, Modern Languages: Principles and Practice

Available at:

Scottish Government (2012) Language Learning in Scotland, A 1+2 Approach

Available at:

Scottish Government (2020) 1+2 Language Learning Survey: Report

Available at:

BGE Progression

Modern Languages Experiences and outcomes are a set of clear and concise statements about children's learning and progression in Modern Languages. They are used to help plan learning and to assess progress.

Curriculum for Excellence Modern Languages Experiences and Outcomes

This suite of resources brings together all the national documentation practitioners need to plan for progressing language learning from First to second, second to third and third to fourth levels.

Modern Languages Progression Framework: First to Second Level

This suite of resources brings together all the national documentation practitioners need to plan for progressing language learning from First to second, second to third and third to fourth levels.

Modern Languages Progression Framework: Second to Third Level

This suite of resources brings together all the national documentation practitioners need to plan for progressing language learning from First to second, second to third and third to fourth levels.

Modern Languages Progression Framework: Third to Fourth Level

This website contains example progressions as well as resources and ideas to support the teaching of grammar and phonics in the target language.

NCELP - National Centre for Excellence for Language Pedagogy

The ELP is a document in which those who are learning or have learned one or more languages can record and reflect on their language learning and intercultural experiences.

European Language Portfolio

A framework to demonstrate and explain different levels of language competencies for young learners.

Collated Representative Samples of Descriptors of Language Competences Developed for Young Learners

Policy and practice

This suite of resources brings together all the national documentation practitioners need to plan for progressing language learning from First to second, second to third and third to fourth levels.

Modern Languages Progression Framework: Second to Third Level

This document contains information about the background to the 1+2 approach and the approach itself.

Language Learning in Scotland A 1+2 Approach

This document explores the progress the 1+2 approach has made and sets out the strategic plan for implementation of the approach from 2017 – 2021.

Language Learning in Schools – Strategic Plan for Implementation 2017-2021

This paper offers a series of reflective questions to assist schools in their implementation of their 1+2 strategy.

Languages: A 1+2 Approach Building your strategy

This site contains a set of FAQ about the 1+2 approach.

SCILT A 1+2 Approach FAQ