This section explores the development of listening, reading, talking, and writing in language learning. It is not an exhaustive guide but provides prompts for reflection on learning and teaching in relation to these skills and some guidance on how they may be developed. Please refer to the resources section for suggested additional reading where required.
This section explores Language Skills and Knowledge about Language in relation to the following three How are we doing? self-evaluation statements:
- Talking and listening in the target language are embedded into all aspects of our learning and are designed to build learner confidence, promote spontaneity, develop knowledge and skills in pronunciation/phonics, and develop meaningful communication.
- Our learners are, over time, developing their knowledge about language and can apply their learning through writing with increasing independence and complexity in a range of contexts from First Level onwards.
- We build learner literacy skills through language learning and continuously embed opportunities to read and listen to language from a range of sources and texts which includes authentic L1 texts and native speakers.
Click on the links below to read more about the key themes relating to Language Skills and Knowledge about Language and then use the How are we doing statements to reflect on your current practice and to explore your next steps. Further reading and resources are also provided at the bottom of this page.