Senior Phase

From a language learning perspective, the Senior Phase offers an opportunity for our learners to engage more deeply with the language they are learning, gain accreditation and shape how it can play a part in their future lives.

This section explores the Senior Phase in relation to the following three How are we doing? self-evaluation statements:

  • Our Senior Phase curriculum offers our learners a rich, engaging and fulfilling learning experience which deepens learning and raises attainment.
  • Our school supports us to offer a range of qualification pathways across multiple languages for all learners.
  • Through a rich range of learning experiences, we support our young people to develop their leadership, their intercultural skills, their employability and their wider skills and achievements.

Click on the links below to read more about the key themes of the Senior Phase and then use the How are we doing? statements to reflect on your current practice and explore your next steps.  Further reading and resources are also provided at the bottom of this page.

Finally, watch the video below to learn how practitioners have engaged with this TILE.

Senior Phase Planning

The Senior Phase is an opportunity to provide learners with a rich language learning experience which offers opportunities to gain accreditation, build broader skills for life and experience wider achievement. It is a key stage where young people can deepen their learning and develop ownership and autonomy over their education and their choices.

Learner experiences in the Senior Phase might include:

  • Leadership e.g. developed through leading learning, learner ambassador initiatives and supporting with languages development initiatives
  • Learner participation e.g. Learner contribution to / leadership of learner feedback forums or learner language working groups
  • Learner voice e.g. Senior learner language forums, presenting to younger learners about why they have chosen languages in the Senior Phase
  • Intercultural learning opportunities e.g. Working with partners to use language in real and relevant contexts
  • Authentic engagement with culture e.g. Cinema, books, songs, food, opportunities to speak to other young people about culture
  • Promotion of Scottish, UK and international mobility e.g. cultural trips and developing learner confidence in living/traveling/working abroad. See SCILT Language Linking, Global Thinking in Resources for more information

In terms of the Senior Phase, recommendation 16 in the Language Learning in Scotland: A 1+2 Approach report states that:

“The Working Group recommends that schools provide all young people with flexible opportunities and encouragement to study more than one modern language to the level of a National Qualification Unit or course, in the senior phase, whether in their own school or through cluster arrangements with other schools.”  (Scottish Government, 2012)

A Senior Phase experience which transitions from the Broad General Education (BGE) and offers accreditation in multiple languages is thus one of the key recommendations in the 1+2 Languages policy. Senior leadership which values, supports and promotes language learning, supportive curriculum architecture and sufficient numbers of languages teachers are key in enabling the delivery of this. This latter point is reiterated by Education Scotland in their document, Language Learning in Scotland: A 1+2 Approach. Working within the recommendations:

Schools should remain mindful of the need to maintain sufficient staffing in modern languages departments to meet this recommendation [of young people being offered accreditation in more than one language in the Senior Phase]. Consideration should be given to appropriate groupings of modern language Units with other subjects such as business education for example. (Education Scotland, 2014, P2)

Even with a full complement of staffing, developing two or more languages in the Senior Phase can be a challenge for smaller departments/faculties where there is less capacity to offer multiple languages. However, teachers have worked creatively to enable this through initiatives such as:

  • Partnership offers of SQA courses across local groups of schools e.g. travel column offer in partner schools
  • Digital and online learning to offer a greater range of languages across schools e.g. emerging models around languages such as Gaelic, Mandarin, British Sign Language and Arabic offered through organisations such as SCILT and E-Sgoil

Networks, partnership working, and digital solutions are all key factors in supporting ongoing development in this area.  This is particularly key at Advanced Higher level where smaller numbers of learners can be pooled across groups of schools.

Wider Achievement & Leadership

The Senior Phase is a key time for developing young people’s leadership, wider achievement and skills for future learning and employability. The table below provides exemplification of initiatives, partnerships, and approaches.  All partners mentioned are included in the Resources at the bottom of this section.

  • Language ambassador programmes whereby senior learners, lead initiatives and represent the languages department at events etc.
  • Learners leading learning e.g. senior pupils working with other groups of learners/stages (such as cluster primary schools) as language assistants
Learner Participation
  • Learner voice activities developed in partnership with senior learners, reflecting on previous learning and strategies for improvement
  • Senior learners lead languages learner improvement initiatives with other year groups e.g. running forums, gathering feedback etc.
Family learning and engagement
  • Senior learners develop and lead language learning sessions/workshops for parents
  • Learners research and present to parents about the advantages of learning languages, how it can impact on their future career etc.
Engagement with FE/HE


  • Near peer initiatives, working in partnership with languages students
  • Heriot Watt Bilingual debate (see Resources)
  • Partnerships with university students who can share their experiences with our Senior Phase learners. e.g. SCILT’s Language Linking Global Thinking initiative
Developing the Young Workforce
  • Reflections on the range of skills being developed as an embedded aspect of learning e.g. Employability skills embedded when agreeing Success Criteria
  • Exploring case studies linked to employability e.g. SCILT case studies (see SCILT Developing Young Workforce in Resources at the bottom of this page)
  • Developing or attending partnership employability events
  • Workplace hosting or initiatives for senior learners e.g. SCILT Business Language Champions (see SCILT Developing Young Workforce in Resources at the bottom of this page)
  • Partnership projects linked to businesses abroad e.g. learners providing information about local area for a local business partners’ customers abroad
Intercultural learning
  • Working in partnership with other young people to share learning, language and experiences. E.g. see British Council Connecting Classrooms in Resources
  • L2/L3 letter writing initiatives with schools in Scotland and abroad
  • Exploring identity and culture with partners
  • Sharing ideas, solutions and perspectives on global challenges with partner schools
  • Partnership events offered by cultural institutes which offer authentic cultural experiences e.g. immersion events, cultural events etc.
International mobility
  • Encouraging young people to engage with future opportunities to work, travel and live abroad e.g. sharing experiences of working/living abroad (adults and young people), linking to students who are living or have lived in other countries etc.
  • Sharing and promoting opportunities to study aboard e.g. Turing Scheme funding
  • School exchanges / visits abroad with opportunities to develop language skills, plan aspects of visit, develop skills in country (e.g. buying tickets)
  • Engaging with blogs by other young people studying aboard e.g. CISS ambassadors


Practitioner Language Skills

Offering an increased range of languages to accreditation often requires upskilling for Modern Languages teachers to GTCS recognised standards.  Schools and local authorities can play a role in supporting teacher development in this area by, for example, supporting teacher engagement in professional learning opportunities (e.g. accredited courses or learning opportunities abroad).

Where secondary Modern Languages practitioners have an existing multilingual skillset, this should be considered for offering additionality in the Senior Phase curriculum e.g. Senior Phase Languages for Life and Work Award in German.

By engaging with partners, practitioners can be supported to introduce or enhance their school’s languages provision e.g. Senior Phase courses in Mandarin in partnership with Confucius Classroom Hub digital learning programmes. See Resources at the bottom of this page for further information.

Please see Professional Learning: Secondary for further information.

How are we doing?

  • Our Senior Phase curriculum offers our learners a rich, engaging and fulfilling learning experience which deepens learning and raises attainment.
  • Our school supports us to offer a range of qualification pathways across multiple languages for all learners.
  • Through a rich range of learning experiences, we support our young people to develop their leadership, their intercultural skills, their employability and their wider skills and achievements.

Record your practice

Now you have researched the methodology and best practice in Senior Phase it's time to record how you are doing. Download the interactive/printable PDF file which you can fill in digitally (or manually if you prefer) for your records and CPD.

Education Scotland (2017) 1+2 Languages Policy in the Secondary Sector

Available at:

Education Scotland (2014) Language Learning in Scotland: A 1+2 Approach. Working within the recommendations,

Available at:

Kinsmans, M (2014) 'Introducing British Sign Language in a Scottish Secondary School’, Scottish Languages Review, (28), pp. 1-10

SCILT Developing Scotland's young workforce through languages.

Available at:

SCILT Senior Phase

Available at:

Scottish Government (2012) Language Learning in Scotland: A 1+2 Approach,

Available at:

SQA (2021) British Sign Language (BSL) National Units

Available at:

SQA (2021) British Sign Language (BSL) Awards

Available at:

SQA (2021) ESOL

Available at:

SQA (2021) Freestanding Units

Available at:

SQA (2021) Languages for Life and Work Award

Available at:

SQA (2021) Modern Languages National Qualifications,

Available at:

SQA (2021) Scottish Baccalaureate in Languages,

Available at:

The Senior Phase

Exemplification of approaches taken by schools in promoting languages and uptake. Includes videos of professional dialogue around uptake with practical advice on how to plan and support improvement.

Education Scotland: Improving Uptake in the Senior Phase

SCILT’s resource hub for Senior Phase planning and improvement. Includes a range of exemplar curriculum maps from schools across Scotland, case studies and links to SQA qualifications.

SCILT Senior Phase Resources

SCILT’s resource hub for promotion of uptake in the Senior Phase. Includes Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce resources, case studies, and toolkits for planning.

SCILT: Promoting Uptake in the Senior Phase

Information and guidance about NQ courses in Scotland for secondary pupils. Subject updates, past paper and marking instructions can also be found for each NQ.

SQA National Qualifications Course Information

BBC Bitesize resources specifically tailored to support teaching and learning of modern languages for National 4 qualifications.

National 4 BBC Bitesize Resources

BBC Bitesize resources specifically tailored to support teaching and learning of modern languages for National 5 qualifications.

National 5 BBC Bitesize resources

Intercultural Learning

A guide to the opportunities available and the benefits that international engagement can bring in delivering equity and excellence across the curriculum.

Learners International: International Learning Opportunities

In Rights Respecting Schools children’s rights are promoted and realised, adults and children work towards this goal together.

UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools

Connecting Classrooms allows pupils to learn about global issues through working with either a group of schools in the UK or a school in another country

British Council Connecting Classrooms


SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages and the Confucius Institute for Scotland’s Schools (CISS) work with businesses, schools and Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) groups across Scotland. The aim is to support the Scottish Government’s youth employment strategy and to build capacity in language and employability skills. They offer several different initiatives to support the employability agenda and the role languages play within it. Information about Business Language Champions, language promotional events and business events is shared in this guide.

Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce Through Language

Bilingualism Matters is a research and information centre at the University of Edinburgh. It studies bilingualism and language learning, and communicates what it knows to enable people to make informed decisions based on scientific evidence

Bilingualism Matters

The aim of these programmes is to raise the profile of languages among pupils, staff and the wider community, share information about the importance of modern language skills for work and life and to encourage fellow pupils to continue studying modern languages. The Pupil Language Ambassadors (PLAs) scheme is targeted at pupils in years 7-9 in LEA maintained secondary schools in Wales. These pupils are chosen by their teachers to lead the campaign of promoting the value of studying languages among the school community in partnership with the Modern Languages Department and are trained by Routes Cymru. Student ambassadors are students who study a range of subjects along with languages who work with schools to achieve the aims above.

Routes into Languages Cymru Pupil Ambassadors and Student Ambassadors Programmes